HHOLove O-SITTER 智能寵物餵食器【香港行貨】

HHOLove O-SITTER 智能寵物餵食器【香港行貨】

Regular price $1,599.00
  • Enjoy free shipping on orders over $500
  • SF Express Shipping
  • Payment is safe and secure
Shipping calculated at checkout.

全球首款集結「視訊鏡頭X餵食X陪玩X影音紀錄X健康監測」於一身的AI寵物自動餵食器。O Sitter時刻細心照料,如同多個人陪你顧好貓咪!它是最貼心的陪伴者,也是你與貓咪間的橋樑,讓你能不間斷的陪伴貓咪~ O Sitter(小O管家)集\"生活記錄+陪伴逗玩+安心餵養\"於一體,從此再也不用擔心離家時貓咪的安全和餵養問題了。還能360度全景攝像頭捕捉貓咪每日瞬間,不錯過任何難忘時刻,隨時隨地陪伴寵物,守護它每個需要的時期。


  • 24小时AI記錄,視頻集錦 
  • 智能雲台,彩色夜間模式,360度超清跟隨 (長達 3 米的追踪能力)
  • 內置激光玩具,鏟屎官可通過APP操作,陪貓主子遠程玩耍,也可選擇預設的激光運動軌跡,解放雙手實現全自動逗貓。
  • 可以和貓咪遠程實時語音互動,雲吸貓,聲音還原度高,清晰流暢低延時,還可以提取錄製聲音一鍵呼喚


  • 不卡糧,不斷糧 (O Sitter可兼容13mm內各類凍幹貓糧,鏟屎官可放心混合凍幹給貓咪補充營養。遇到停電、斷網等突發情況也不用擔心, 小O管家早已有所應對,斷電後將自動切換電池供電模式,斷網後會自動進入離線模式,設備會按原計劃定時定量出糧)
  • O Sitter的包裝盒可別扔,只需簡單幾步,就能打造一個高顏值還深得主子心的貓屋


型號 O Sitter
重量 2.9 kg
攝影機 300W高清畫質/4倍蠻焦/紅外夜視
視角 水平350°/垂直110°
容量 2.5L
餇料直徑 3 ~ 13mm
飼料碗材質 304不鏽鋼
電壓範圍 12V 1.5A
無線連接 Wi-Fi 5GHz & 2.4GHZ

eDigiBuy cooperates with many logistics companies, such as SF Express / Lalamove / Pickupp / GOGOX / Zebra Home delivers to most areas in Hong Kong (outlying islands and border restricted areas cannot be delivered). The goods will be dispatched within 1 to 3 working days.
  • Free shipping across Hong Kong for purchases over HKD$500
  • For orders less than HKD $500, the shipping fee charged for each order is as follows:

Smart cabinet/SF service center/SF door-to-door delivery: $30


Estimated delivery time:

SF Express: 1-2 working days

Home appliance delivery: 2-4 working days


Delivery methods:

SF Express/SF Smart Cabinet: Most orders will be shipped via SF Express. Customers can choose door-to-door delivery, or pick up the items at the SF Express station . Customers can also choose to pick up the items at our company. The company has a small amount of inventory, and customers can go directly to the company for business. Place to buy
Address: Room 1B03, 1/F, Wing Cheung Industrial Building, 58-70 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories

**Guests are responsible for filling in the correct mailing address and contact number. Our company will not be responsible for any losses caused by incorrect information** If resending is required, the customer will be responsible for the additional postage incurred.


Expected shipping time:

Situation 1: The warehouse has goods in stock:

After payment is completed on the website, we will arrange for the order to be shipped within 6 working hours, or in the morning of the next working day (depending on different products).

Situation 2: There is no stock in the warehouse, but the supplier has stock:

Orders will be shipped within 2 working days. If you choose in-store pickup or face-to-face delivery, please wait until you receive the WHATSAPP prompt message before picking up in the store.

There is no stock in the warehouse or supplier, so reservation is required:

Orders will be shipped within 7-14 working days. If the customer requests cancellation during the booking period and the order has not been shipped, our store will arrange a full refund, otherwise a $50 administrative fee will be charged.

credit card

- You can use Visa, Master, and American Express credit cards to pay for the order amount.

Payme, Alipay(HK), Apple Pay and Google Pay
- We also provide payment functions with Payme, Alipay(HK), Apple Pay and Google Pay.

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