Beats Solo Buds 真無線藍牙耳機【香港行貨】

Beats Solo Buds 真無線藍牙耳機【香港行貨】

Regular price $649.00
  • Enjoy free shipping on orders over $500
  • SF Express Shipping
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配備 Beats 有史以來最小巧的耳機盒,這款耳塞體積雖小,聲效卻極為震撼,實力非凡。

  • 完全特製的聲學架構
  • 耳機出音嘴的傾斜角度符合人體工學,可自然地貼合耳形
  • 電池使用時間更持久,可播放長達 18 小時¹
  • 兼容 iOS 和 Android,並配備一按配對功能²


  • 調音清徹平衡,讓你聽盡喜愛音樂中的音域和情感,並重現清晰豐富的細節和絲毫不差的低音。


  • 兩邊耳塞均由雙層傳感器驅動,能降低整體頻率曲線上的細微失真;而每邊出音嘴特別採用平衡排放設計,把聲音直送耳內。


  • 為秉承音樂為先的理念,耳塞特別採用激光切割排氣口,不但可提升低音表現,更可緩和氣壓,令佩戴時倍感舒適。


  • 為配合各種耳廓和耳形,讓你戴得舒適,並盡享被動式隔音功能,Beats Solo Buds 備有 :L、M、S 和 XS 四款耳塞尺寸可供選擇。


  • 這對小巧耳塞的電池電量足以持續一整天,能播放長達 18 小時¹。外出時如需獲取額外電量,更可以直接從你的手機³、平板或手提電腦為耳塞充電。同時配備 Fast Fuel 快充技術:充電 5 分鐘,即可播放長達 1 小時⁴。

支援 iOS 及 Android。

  • Beats Solo Buds 開箱即可與 Apple 或 Android 裝置配對。原生兼容功能支援無縫一按配對、跨裝置自動預先配對,以及「尋找」或「尋找我的裝置」,滿足不同用家需要²。

通話清晰,並採用 Class 1 藍牙®技術。

  • 每邊耳塞均配備特製咪高風,並採用先進噪音學習演算法,帶來卓越通話質素。加上領先業界的 Class 1 藍牙®技術,連接範圍更廣、更穩妥。


  • 特製聲學架構以音樂為先,帶來清晰全域音質,盡顯 Beats 澎湃聲效。
  • 特設的雙層驅動單元旨在於整體頻率曲線上將微失真率減到最低,確保能無比精準地重現高度逼真的音色。
  • 同軸向驅動單元與出音嘴平行排放,將聲音直接傳到耳內;以激光切割的透氣口可進一步提高音色表現,同時緩和壓力,令佩戴時倍感舒適。
  • 配備 Beats 有史以來最小的耳機盒,耳塞音效卻無比震撼,是你完美的隨身拍檔。
  • 耳塞採用符合人體工學的出音嘴設計,並備有四款耳塞尺寸可供選擇,包括最新 XS 選項,佩戴起來更自然貼服。
  • 電池使用時間長達 18 小時,你可全日聆聽¹。同時配備 Fast Fuel 快充技術:充電 5 分鐘,即可播放長達 1 小時⁴。
  • 直接透過手機³、平板電腦或手提電腦充電,隨時隨地獲得額外電量
  • 開箱即用,同時兼容 iOS 和 Android,並支援無縫一按配對、跨裝置自動預先配對,以及「尋找」或「尋找我的裝置」功能²。
  • 每邊耳塞均配備特製咪高風,並採用先進噪音學習演算法,帶來卓越通話質素。
  • 採用領先業界的 Class 1 藍牙®技術,連接範圍更廣、連接更穩妥。


  • 高度 : (充電盒) 2.4 厘米/0.9 吋;(耳塞) 1.9 厘米/0.75 吋
  • 長度 : (充電盒) 6.6 厘米/2.6 吋;(耳塞) 2.05 厘米/0.81 吋
  • 寬度 : (充電盒) 3.5 厘米/1.4 吋;(耳塞) 1.85 厘米/0.73 吋
  • 重量 : (充電盒) 22 克;(耳塞) 5.7 克;(總重量) 33.4 克
  • 外形設計 : 入耳式
  • 連接 : 藍牙、無線連接
  • 電力來源 : 電池
  • 電池 : 充電式鋰離子電池
  • 連接:
  • Class 1 無線藍牙®


  • Beats Solo Buds (一次充電):長達 18 小時的聆聽時間¹
  • Fast Fuel 快充技術:充電 5 分鐘,即可播放長達 1 小時⁴


  • Beats Solo Buds 產品包裝盒使用 100% 源自再生纖維及/或可持續發展樹林的植物性物料製造⁵


  • Beats Solo Buds 耳機
  • 便攜盒
  • 四款尺寸的耳塞
  • 保障服務卡
  • (電源轉換器和 USB-C 連接線獨立銷售)
eDigiBuy cooperates with many logistics companies, such as SF Express / Lalamove / Pickupp / GOGOX / Zebra Home delivers to most areas in Hong Kong (outlying islands and border restricted areas cannot be delivered). The goods will be dispatched within 1 to 3 working days.
  • Free shipping across Hong Kong for purchases over HKD$500
  • For orders less than HKD $500, the shipping fee charged for each order is as follows:

Smart cabinet/SF service center/SF door-to-door delivery: $30


Estimated delivery time:

SF Express: 1-2 working days

Home appliance delivery: 2-4 working days


Delivery methods:

SF Express/SF Smart Cabinet: Most orders will be shipped via SF Express. Customers can choose door-to-door delivery, or pick up the items at the SF Express station . Customers can also choose to pick up the items at our company. The company has a small amount of inventory, and customers can go directly to the company for business. Place to buy
Address: Room 1B03, 1/F, Wing Cheung Industrial Building, 58-70 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories

**Guests are responsible for filling in the correct mailing address and contact number. Our company will not be responsible for any losses caused by incorrect information** If resending is required, the customer will be responsible for the additional postage incurred.


Expected shipping time:

Situation 1: The warehouse has goods in stock:

After payment is completed on the website, we will arrange for the order to be shipped within 6 working hours, or in the morning of the next working day (depending on different products).

Situation 2: There is no stock in the warehouse, but the supplier has stock:

Orders will be shipped within 2 working days. If you choose in-store pickup or face-to-face delivery, please wait until you receive the WHATSAPP prompt message before picking up in the store.

There is no stock in the warehouse or supplier, so reservation is required:

Orders will be shipped within 7-14 working days. If the customer requests cancellation during the booking period and the order has not been shipped, our store will arrange a full refund, otherwise a $50 administrative fee will be charged.

credit card

- You can use Visa, Master, and American Express credit cards to pay for the order amount.

Payme, Alipay(HK), Apple Pay and Google Pay
- We also provide payment functions with Payme, Alipay(HK), Apple Pay and Google Pay.

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